
SMART Advocacy

Advocate for the role and potential of medical physics to non-physicist professions, colleagues (e.g., administrators, physicians), and patients.

What is SMART Advocacy?

In his article “Formation and early years of the AAPM”, G. D. Adams (1978) wrote that “the formation of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine was sparked by the confluence of two forces, one internal, the other external. The internal force was the frustration experienced by physicists in biological and medical pursuits; in substance, we were not being recognized as competent professionals. The external force was a proposal to form an international organization related to medical physics.”  

Since its establishment, the AAPM has accomplished many strides in recognizing Medical Physics as a fundamental pillar of the healthcare paradigm. However, new technologies, new payment modules, and social media platforms make the need to continue the advocacy efforts more critical to the growth of medical physics and its membership. 


Power at the base
Medical Physicists are under recognized for their skill sets that can benefit the greater health care enterprise.

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  • Build power at the base by working with other stake holders toward enacting, expressing, and enhancing the full value of Medical Physics in health care.
  • Encourage Medical Physicists to be more engaged in institutional activities, residents and students' education.
  • Promoting the role of medical physicists as partners in patients care, safety and problem solving.

Advocacy initiatives promoting Medical Physics have not been efficiently coordinated or widely known by many Medical Physicists.

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  • Create tools to better coordinate, inform and summarize advocacy initiatives to AAPM members.
  • Improve coordination with other stake holder societies in promoting Medical Physics.

The Medical Physics profession has been under recognized by regulators, law makers, and the public.

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  • Organize Medical Physics advocacy day to meet and educate legislators on the value of Medical Physics.
  • Engage the public through lectures and education at festivals, TEDx Talks and other public events.

Advocacy Training
Medical Physicists lack advocacy and public engagement training.

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Arrow Style of page Smart Tools
  • To develop advocacy training for Medical Physicists.
  • To develop advocacy tools for Medical Physicists.